

Do you love the way you feel after a good workout? You’re here because you keep discovering some of the amazing benefits sports bring to your life- and you like them! You want to find out more about this world and turn your hobby into a profession! We offer you the best opportunity and the moment you take it, your life changes!

Our school has experts with years of experience. They know the ultimate way to prepare you for success. Learn the secrets of nutrition, master the art of coaching others, and become a genuine expert in the field.

Ready? Pick the topic that interests you, sign up, and become a professional. Get your diploma and enter a dynamic new world!

allSubthemesWithinTheme Sports

Professional yoga

Professional yoga


Sport Management

Sport Management

1 virtualclass

Sports care

Sports care

2 homestudies, 1 virtualclass

Sports coaching

Sports coaching

3 homestudies, 2 cpvirtualclasses

Sports massage

Sports massage


Sports performance

Sports performance

3 homestudies, 1 virtualclass

Training methods

Training methods

3 homestudies, 1 virtualclass


Are you eager to guide people who want to exercise more? Do you believe in a healthy mind and body? Then you have come to the right place! These years people pay more attention to their personal health. They hire coaches, take advice from experts, and so much more. With a course in this category, you become an expert who always has a job! Also, more and more athletes are looking for mental and physical guidance and motivation to achieve their goals and push their limits. Your success is guaranteed!

Our fitness instructors, who supervise our clients, are graduates of this school. And that pays off. Athletes in our gym see results faster and stay motivated longer. Moreover, you easily combine the course with your work and family situation. You study when you want and at your own pace. - employerSpeaks

a woman running along the sea


Health culture is on the rise. More people realise that good physical health leads to more benefits. A healthy body offers longer and happier life. Both young and old have started to exercise. And many of them are looking for motivation and guidance to make their healthier lives a success. We offer just that at our school!

Sports, hundredPercentOfTheTime

As in every aspect of life, technology has an important place in the sports world today. Thanks to certain apps and accessories such as smartwatches, it is now easy to keep track of how the body reacts to a workout or training session. You check your heart rate, number of steps, endurance, speed, and more. This way you identify what you need to work on as well as keep track of your progress.

I followed the Sports Psychology and Sports Nutrition courses. For me that was enough to get started as a sports coach. I have been passionate about fitness for years, so I had already mastered most of the techniques and theory about the anatomy. Thanks to the learning centre I was able to start successfully as a freelance sports coach. - exStudentSpeaking

Amari Lindroos
Amari Lindroos

Training Consultant

These courses are perfect for anyone who wants to work professionally with top athletes. Each and every one of them is very useful and teaches you how to help athletes. That is an essential skill for any sports coach.


  • People who exercise live healthier lives.
  • Research shows that music and motivational speeches improve your performance.
  • During exercise, the chemical of happiness is released every time: dopamine.
  • Gyms generate around 75 billion euros in revenue worldwide.


