Always short on time? Here's how you solve that problem!

02/03/2020 Amari Lindroos

While studying, you decide how you manage your time. That may sound easy, but finding a healthy balance is harder than you think! It is important to divide your time efficiently. This is called time management.

Good planning is crucial to "manage" your time. The most difficult factor is to keep that planning doable. This requires a substantial portion of self-knowledge. Do you perform better in the morning or in the evening? Do you prefer to work during the week or the weekend?

If you have a lot of work, the matrix of Covey can be an handy tool. It gives you insight into various tasks and teaches you to set priorities.

The concept is simple: you decide for each task whether it is important and / or urgent.

There are four quadrants you need to remember:

The first quadrant is important and urgent. Here fires are extinguished! These are acute tasks and problems that must be resolved quickly.

In the second quadrant there are issues that are important but not urgent. This is perhaps the most important part of the matrix. Here you can plan and think ahead. This quadrant is chock full of opportunities!

The third quadrant is about tasks that are not important, but urgent. These are usually things that are imposed by other people. Is it really your issue, or are you busy solving someone else's problems? These tasks are dangerous: before you know it you are drowning in a lot of tasks that are not so important to you.

We can be brief about the last quadrant: these are matters that are unimportant and not urgent. Try to avoid this as much as possible!

The Covey matrix is one of the many ways to properly divide your time. With sufficient self-knowledge and efficient time management, you are already well on your way to successfully completing your exams!

do you want...

  • You learn to set up or organize your administration independently
  • You manage agendas, write professional emails and letters and organize meetings and business trips
  • You can work with current computer programs and can handle confidential information

Administrative Freelancer, a profession with a future!

Practical info

  • Diploma
  • Homestudy
  • 3-6 months on average
  • €259€181.30

Course content

  • Learning to telephone in a friendly manner
  • Writing letters and emails professionally
  • The importance of good communication
  • The benefits of working as freelancer
  • Calculate and prepare budget, costs and benefits
  • Manage calendars and prepare schedules
  • Time management and multitasking
  • Prepare and record meetings
  • Order forms, deliveries and invoices
  • Networks with customers and suppliers
  • Creditors, debtors and reminders
  • Learn to work with the most important computer systems

Available in

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